Republica Danga

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Republica Danga

„ Danga nu e, adică e pretutindeni. Este o insulă, compusă din pulberea unei planete îndepărtate, unde legile fizicii terestre nu sunt chiar atât de riguroase. Aici nu se știe prea bine dacă oamenii mint, visează, sau trăiesc cu adevarat „

4 participanți



    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mar Iun 21, 2016 6:50 pm

    sau mai in mare... maaaaaare .. lol!


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mier Iun 22, 2016 11:38 pm

    Un ceai ?

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 SparklingAsianPearandMintIcedTea-b-6

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 13502091_1201511863221818_5537834049707059333_n

    noapte albastra !

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Story%20Of%20A%20Dark%20Blue%20Night
    The Dude
    The Dude

    Mesaje : 6855
    Puncte : 6988
    Data de inscriere : 17/02/2015

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de The Dude Mier Iun 29, 2016 4:09 pm

    fiatlux a scris:Salve ! Pana gaseste Dude timp sa ne zica despre Greenwich Village , un ..antract , in stilul meu !
    O lectie despre ..ghicitul in cafe ! study

    Cum prepari cafeaua?
    În primul rând, cafeaua trebuie făcută la ibric. Turcii folosesc "cezve", un ibric special conceput pentru asta, în care se pot prepara două ceşti de cafea. Iar pentru fiecare ceaşcă, o linguriţă de cafea măcinată potrivit este suficientă. Dacă eşti obişnuită să bei cafeaua cu o cană enormă (ceea ce nu e tocmai o veste bună pentru sănătatea ta), trebuie să ştii că pentru ghicit ai nevoie de o ceaşcă.

    Cum procedezi?
    Cafeaua se bea într-un moment de relaxare, nu pe fugă, nu în timp ce faci altceva. Trebuie să o bei pe îndelete, să te gândeşti la lucruri pozitive şi să încerci să te eliberezi de gândurile apăsătoare. Este foarte important să bei dintr-o singură parte a ceştii şi să îţi pui o dorinţă sau să te gândeşti la o chestiune despre care vrei să ştii mai multe.

    După ce ţi-ai băut cafeaua, aşază farfurioara deasupra ceştii, învârte de câteva ori în sensul opus acelor de ceasornic, pentru ca zaţul să se distribuie pe toată ceaşca, apoi întoarce cu gura în jos.

    Shocked ...shit, ia uite cum mi-am patat eu camasa mea iubita din in natural  suparare

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mier Iun 29, 2016 4:12 pm

    lokihere hohoteala

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mier Iun 29, 2016 4:39 pm

    Ca tot am dat de ..Greenwich Village, poate revin cu ..Filmore East, de la inchiderea caruia s-au implinit 45 ani zilele astea !

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mier Iun 29, 2016 6:36 pm

    So ! Fillmore East !

    The venue provided Graham with an East Coast counterpart to his existing Fillmore in San Francisco, California.[3] Opening on March 8, 1968, the Fillmore East quickly became known as "The Church of Rock and Roll," with two-show, triple-bill concerts several nights a week. Graham would regularly alternate acts between the East and West Coast venues. Until early 1971, bands were booked to play two shows per night, at 8 pm and 11 pm, on both Friday and Saturday nights.

    yeh !
    The Dude
    The Dude

    Mesaje : 6855
    Puncte : 6988
    Data de inscriere : 17/02/2015

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de The Dude Lun Iul 11, 2016 3:20 pm


    Mesaje : 237
    Puncte : 237
    Data de inscriere : 17/04/2015
    Localizare : NV

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Gryphon Mar Iul 12, 2016 7:08 pm

    vara, five o'clock-ul meu e pe la șapte

    The Byrds- Eight Miles High

    și o variantă live mai extinsă


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mier Iul 13, 2016 1:47 pm

    La mine-i valmaseala ! Da' de ce nu acum !? Wink

    La Coffee Cabinet !

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 3581ba81e05e45bdb137067091e55b3f_view


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Joi Iul 14, 2016 8:48 pm


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Lun Iul 18, 2016 1:25 pm

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 13055334_860655064079655_530897554429716260_n
    Edward Hopper

    oci ciornaie ! Wink
    The Dude
    The Dude

    Mesaje : 6855
    Puncte : 6988
    Data de inscriere : 17/02/2015

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de The Dude Lun Iul 18, 2016 1:53 pm

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Y6hjhui1


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Vin Iul 22, 2016 3:16 pm

    3 perlutze ..

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 435612

    Mesaje : 237
    Puncte : 237
    Data de inscriere : 17/04/2015
    Localizare : NV

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Gryphon Vin Iul 22, 2016 7:00 pm

    It's not a concert video. It's a promo video shot on a sound stage to promote the Hemispheres album in 1978.
    Before concept videos began with MTV in 1981 artists use to shoot promo videos like this or appear performing live
    or mostly lip syncing on TV. Mind you this was in the days when Disco music dominated the mainstream music industry.

    Rush - La Villa Strangiato


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Vin Iul 22, 2016 10:33 pm

    Fain !
    Lansez un ceai care revine in actualitate -ceaiul cu ..bule ...Bubble Tea .

    Whether you call it "boba" or "bubble" tea, the Taiwanese beverage that allows you to chew your drink is back with a vengeance. It first got its start in the 1980s, after an inventor thought to pour tapioca pearls into a glass of iced, sweet tea. Though Asian communities have been drinking boba tea in the United States for many years, the texturally exciting drink is finally reaching a wider audience.

    While most boba beverages are based on tea — either on its own or blended with milk —it's sometimes hard to tell by looking at the flavors. Honeydew, a popular flavor at the average boba shop, is usually made either from green tea and real honeydew or a powdered flavor. Peach teas are often a black tea with a little hint of summer fruit thrown in. But chains like Boba Guys aren't married to the original recipe. And some experiments, like horchata boba tea, have no tea in them at all.

    de aici.

    Putzin suprarealism cu  ...Victor Brauner

    in atelier

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 13776042_170352626710703_6373101343661320920_n

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    Oare ochii si urechile  de sus sunt ale unor buhe sau lemurieni ?

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Lun Iul 25, 2016 3:06 pm

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Tea

    Ghicitoare tematica !azi ! Wink

    "Într-o singură casă locuiesc trei frați

    Dar se prezintă diferit îmbrăcați.

    și dacă vrei să-i deosebești

    Pe fiecare cu ceilalți l-asemuiești.

    Primul nu-i aci, abia va veni.

    Nici al doilea nu e, căci o și porni.

    Doar al treilea e aci, dintre ei cel mai mic,

    Și fără el ceilalți n-ar fi chiar nimic.

    Totuși al treilea, de care se vorbește,

    Există fiindcă primul sosește

    Și totul astfel se petrece

    Când primul în al doilea trece

    Și se produce o preschimbare.

    Numai atunci mezinul apare.

    De vrei să-l prinzi însă nu izbutești

    Căci tot pe unul din ceilalți nimerești.

    Spune-mi acum: sunt cei trei, doar unul?

    Sau sunt numai doi? Sau poate niciunul?

    De vei putea să mi-i spui pe nume

    Vei ști cine sunt atotputernici în lume.

    Stăpânesc împreună împărăția cea mare

    Fiind ei înșiși chiar ea. Cine sunt ei oare?


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Joi Iul 28, 2016 4:16 pm

    Cum stati ?

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 13872914_10154239257570180_6852007354937428181_n

    The Dude
    The Dude

    Mesaje : 6855
    Puncte : 6988
    Data de inscriere : 17/02/2015

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de The Dude Lun Aug 01, 2016 2:50 pm


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Lun Aug 01, 2016 4:00 pm

    Hi!Chiar am ..aplicat , inspirata de retetele tale,Dude, dar cu ingredientele mele : sorbet (tin post) si cafea

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 ID5xHD52SErm5ielVOAB4NVveX-qPw5vkT04gSxhlCg0aEnuY9JOw3bE9qGOWhCW9kNlvoHqCV5nQtsY-e8pfGvtY5OlycmWL8ithBbRyeUTWsYqwLvWzJciqUlUWCHmyUVwWTAR3w1oEFjsW8uTENOP65bdvSWzs2OF7LOm1KLeDad-Q4wM-CpMVHe-qzTOtKclst28YO7DzvP-nWo8zIcJqTHTM27HRVaDrJXUkXPZCz1psc6SDDvRgDkTlgJvsZ1sFOEJrKo6oguCZ2AzCRWMffqNURkzBwMJUpX781BEgL7P1KLKeCvZvcECxrAYSTyDYbCMCYaoHk6fPtoOKoMpi861hqBVWmFdQ5t-rdmnLkt44XLC-ti_7AhhQELz_uDRWFFG8uEtxnyePx2xe-whAg8mSaZMf_7b53n_5Vxb-2sGS_LUEPaHcyP-jXwvy55l5FsgC5ghl3tjc5fuacbEtteBj2e-b_m4E7_ixEZKn6UItfr3wKK64cuGIaKr2tNuNDUG1PKqzP2Flg9-P8LeUqU4=s512

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 EvzuBYzwV8Gi77gkR5wizWzfQXVLBoMDA9hICXRvM64jVnq2wCUtW_PgFQpfN4myr-s4t2UPljLovXxxm33OXPA635w8EuuvwbaMZNuhrjgehckTg2q0xtRxF34hVqZTEC2uPyOSg6jqJCEysdaqeovjPyGe5IZYfUlJJB6UofUliP8JeD5B2n_L1MvLVGLrx6sfeAt6bqgorBN3M2R-DCOO6Wdyzlobv4M3dOk2auY314qnNADC6IniMz-ACvgWgwMfUrnrlMMRyroONLs-7hoYf6b7-hutMYwFW3Kdpho0CI1Bok0EFF3XytDAAl0EI1-oGtm9eylfWYOrC8TeXbEWPB45yMlxA7yw4QesFkO0KBujgZUH8KyHWV-sVLQccEPS7s-w8c-C_qqfi3tKiorQCawLfsjtYwOLR7jlsPZogWPm3ZDzJpHTf-pNIfbQCbWehG29ezIagAvjfMpbQxlDkAJXFHJ3Z8OnG1-MuZa1XDSM_gsW6LbnU7I5javVPmGDP9v5kCJIylmg1x6lK4YZtfex=s512

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 -9XX-6uI1MnoXSUU-lD1qTMZ67Svgg7xRmrlGyKwPXAQdoHX7YFIxPecd2qNrcaA58OBxhL1d53ykvr5ngsboRbO4Dzq-6iCpBDVOkt3HzdmqsekoW-qORH3ufe84pAX4nFrSNR1n3XzMB-oE07epkhn7pt_FPWIGYq_KzcBugCf_tk9yj3pN3hwKUyKGsge6UUsNvTFYlAuJb13gbLHw7zniZwsu_jXZUGK64_WQc0zMC2JZxXNHcImQQ-F4QiIw7ZcRxPjuETnOENzo9yxWF_gOE1jZACk3sSTEqd1nL9woJ718uJT7eNXutQyuw3MzYMs1WRntsqb1mjX9DB-QWJ7RMdsICOoK8m-6CyZ_jOq-iuECuDhd5N7M87xP2pRBIh2tdCjrua9nYsWisn8cXlddBx-Zk3MZHwQOHScR6Lw-b0K0C3g_p9iIwF6Xgttm0y4p83J91khRdiV3jGPxrC338cvcNmFFJ5NexP2yyYv5e7qN4eG-ezSUBs5uP27S5GVJMvHDDQan6F7rxDS1UYSqM_K=s512


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mier Aug 03, 2016 4:50 pm

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 13872799_1061290303940865_8089343517990634816_n


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Vin Aug 19, 2016 6:28 pm

    Vreti sa fiti fericiti? Vreti sa fiti sanatosi ! Atunci cafeaua neagra e solutia ! Cate una in fiecare zi ! Cheers !

    12 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Drink Black Coffee Every Day

    Coffee is the single greatest consumable product. It’s responsible for the success of countless professionals. In fact, there’re at least a dozen scientific reasons why you should drink coffee every day. So be thankful for your addiction, and be sure not to ruin your beverage with sugar or cream.

    1. It gives you a healthier liver.
    Unlike drinking alcohol every day, drinking black coffee actually improves your liver. It’s been shown that people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day (24+ oz., or two “Tall” cups from Starbucks) have as much as an 80% lower rate of cirrhosis of the liver. People who drink this same amount also have as much as a 40% lower rate of developing liver cancer.

    2. It makes you smarter.
    Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant. When you drink coffee, the caffeine travels into your digestive system, then into your blood stream, and eventually to your brain (this takes roughly 30-45 minutes). When it hits your brain, it blocks one of your inhibitory neurotransmitters, Adenosine. This leads to an increase in other neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and dopamine), causing the neurons in your brain to fire more rapidly. All these chemicals and neurons conglomerate to boost your mood, energy, memory, response times, and general cognitive functioning.

    3. It boosts your metabolism by 11%.
    Want to lose a little weight? Not as active as you’d like to be? Drink coffee. As one of the few substances to ever be directly associated with burning fat, caffeine is found in nearly every fat burning or weight loss supplement. This doesn’t mean you should drink coffee instead of working out. You should probably still do both. But it can lead to a healthier, happier you.

    4. It gives you important nutrients.
    If you drink coffee, it is your single largest source of antioxidants. A few important nutrients include: Vitamins B2, B3, and B5, Manganese, Magnesium, and Potassium. Also, the human body absorbs more nutrients from coffee than it does from other popular sources of antioxidants like fruits and vegetables. You get more healthy bang for your buck with coffee than with anything else.

    5. It reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes.
    Please note that you will not see these same effects if your cup is half coffee, half cream and sugar. You might actually be worse off in that case. But if you drink black coffee, then studies show an average of 7% drop in risk for diabetes for every daily cup (6 oz.) of coffee. Typically a coffee mug is 12 oz. So if you drink, say, two mugs of coffee in the morning, or 24 oz., then you’ll have a 28% lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes, compared to those who don’t drink coffee.

    6. It lowers your risk of Parkinson’s.
    No one wants to develop a neurodegenerative disease – particularly those who’ve seen a family member go through it. Parkinson’s is associated with a drop in dopamine. And since caffeine boosts dopamine levels in the brain, drinking black coffee reduces the chances of you developing Parkinson’s. Regular coffee drinkers have been shown to have a 32-60% reduced chance of developing this disease.

    7. It fights against depression and generally makes you happier.
    Remember, caffeine, which coffee is full of, increases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is commonly known as the “pleasure chemical,” so it makes sense that consuming anything to increase dopamine will make you happier and keep you less depressed.

    People who drink four or more cups of black coffee a day (24+ oz.) have a 20% lower chance of becoming depressed, and are over 50% less likely to commit suicide. Drinking coffee is literally a life saver, and something I wish more people would do more often for this specific reason. If you know someone struggling with depression, taking them out for a cup of coffee here and there can make all the difference.

    8. It lowers your risk for several types of cancer.
    You’re less likely to develop liver cancer (see above). It also works well to reduce your chances of colorectal cancer. People who drink 4-5 cups (24 – 30 oz.) of black coffee a day have a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer, and a 40% lower risk of liver cancer. And since liver and colorectal are the cancers responsible for the 3rd and 4th most deaths in the world, this is rather impactful. Coffee also reduces your risk for skin cancer, particularly in women, by about 20%.

    9. It reduces your risk for heart disease.
    Those who drink coffee regularly have a 20% less risk for stroke, and generally have lower rates of heart disease. As caffeine increases your heart rate, coffee is actually good for cardiovascular health. Drinking a few cups of coffee a day has a similar effect to going for a walk, which keeps your heart healthier. Please do not use this as an excuse to not exercise, though. It doesn’t work quite that well.

    10. It keeps your system cleansed.
    Coffee’s a diuretic. This means drinking coffee will make you urinate more frequently than if you didn’t drink coffee. This is a good thing in most cases because it keeps your system cleansed. The human body often flushes out harmful bacteria and viruses this way, and drinking coffee enhances this natural process. Through this, black coffee drinkers become sick far less often.

    11. It keeps you calm(er).
    Even just smelling coffee makes you feel calmer. It actually changes the composition of a protein in the brain that’s associated with stress, specifically stress as a result of sleep deprivation. This is why we all learned early on that we feel so much better in the morning after a cup of bean juice.

    12. It reduces your chances for dementia and Alzheimer’s.
    Coffee generally enhances memory, thanks to caffeine’s effects on some of the brain’s neurotransmitters. By continually enhancing your memory over time, especially as you rack up years, you reduce your chances for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Regular coffee drinkers have actually shown to have as much as a 65% reduced risk of developing the world’s most common neurodegenerative disease.


    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Mar Noi 22, 2016 9:10 pm

    Espresso cu Sting ! Wink

    Continut sponsorizat

    FIVE O'CLOCK - Pagina 8 Empty Re: FIVE O'CLOCK

    Mesaj Scris de Continut sponsorizat

      Data/ora curentă este: Dum Mai 19, 2024 3:20 pm