Republica Danga

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Republica Danga

„ Danga nu e, adică e pretutindeni. Este o insulă, compusă din pulberea unei planete îndepărtate, unde legile fizicii terestre nu sunt chiar atât de riguroase. Aici nu se știe prea bine dacă oamenii mint, visează, sau trăiesc cu adevarat „

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???


    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:45 pm

    Walter Richard Rudolf Hess, to be more accurate:

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Hess

    Al treilea personaj important in ierarhia hitlerista, singurul mason din ea.
    Acum cateva zile am ascultat la o prezentare in care s-a spus ca Hess ar fi declarat in timpul procesului de la Nurnberg, cum ca intregul razboi mondial (ww1+ww2) a fost pus la cale de forte extraterestre ce urmareau un anumit scop. Prezentarea era lacunara, iar pe net gasesc variante in care se speculeaza ca cele mai multe din declaratiile lui Hess au ramas clasificate.

    Intreg comportamentul lui Hess, contradictoriu si ambiguu, lasa loc multor interpretari.
    Sigur ca varianta de a il declara nebun era cea mai convenabila si tocmai de aceea eu ma indoiesc de autenticitatea ei.
    Motivele care au facut ca Hess sa nu fie niciodata eliberat (imi pare ca singurul in aceasta situatie) sunt iarasi temeiuri care alimenteaza o anumita teorie.

    Nebunii nu prea fac puscarie...sfarsec prin azile de cele mai multe ori.
    Nici nu sunt tinuti in izolare, discursul lor fiind socotit lipsit de credibilitate.

    So, stie cineva mai mult despre acest caz ??..doriti sa comentam ??

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:46 pm

    Pentru mine ramane un mister felul in care Hess a ales sa actioneze facand publice o serie de declaratii aberante care il situau clar in sfera patologicului, dar care astazi scoase din context capata o anumita logica.

    Suspectez aici si un complot universal intrucat tot ce am gasit pe net e foarte vag si tangential.
    E ca si cum nimeni nu ar vrea sa vorbeasca despre asta, iar cei care o fac, o fac intr-un mod aluziv...Ca un comentariu la ceva ce se presupune cunoscut.

    Din pacate toate afirmatiile alea vin dintr-un documentar si dintr-o prezentare (la nivel universitar) din care nu am putut retine nimic concret...adica nicio sursa pe care sa o exploatez mai temeinic ulterior. In afara interogatoriilor fara noima ale serviciilor secrete totul e invaluit de mister

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:46 pm

    Calitatea de mason, care apropo se castiga dar nu se poate pierde niciodata, nu e relevanta aici.

    Ci pozitia si atitudinea lui Hess in cea mai mare masura, alaturi de discursul sau abracadabrant...despre care little1 voi reveni cu unele detalii..

    Speram sa se gaseasca pe aici cineva care sa cunoasca mai mult............

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:47 pm

    Cei mai importanti nazisti faceau parte dintrun Ordin secret numit Miscarea Thule...sau Societatea, nu avea legatura cu Masoneria, desi propunea la fel ca ea o noua ordine a lucrurilor...

    "Aparent, Societatea Thule credea în “comunicarea cu o ierarhie a Supraoamenilor – Conducătorii Secreţi ai Celui de-al Treilea Ordin”. Calitatea care le făcea pe aceste fiinţe supraoameni era spiritualitatea lor ocultă. Chiar numele ales – Thule – vine de la denumirea tradiţională a unui centru spiritual ascuns unde este tezaurizată spiritualitatea planetară şi unde locuiesc marii înţelepţi care veghează asupra planetei noastre. Mai mult, ei credeau în Doctrina Secretă a d-nei Blavatsky, în care ea afirmă că anumiţi supraoameni au supravieţuit distrugerii Atlantidei păstrându-şi înaltul nivel de conştiinţă pe care-l aveau. Aceşti supraoameni erau Arienii. "

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:48 pm

    A few months later Hess became Hitler's personal secretary. With Hitler he participated in the frustrated Munich Beer Hall putsch of 1923. He escaped to Austria, but when Hitler was sent to prison he gave himself up to the authorities in order to join the Führer at Landsberg. Some people believe that Hess was instrumental in Hitler's decision of adopting the swastika as the Nazi symbol.
    Sharing the prison tied even more the homoerotic bond between the two men. Hess helped Hitler in writing Mein Kampf. It was there when he told Hitler about his professor, the geopolitician Karl Haushofer. He introduced Hitler to Haushofer and the professor became a frequent visitor to Hitler's cell at Landberg.When the Nazis took power over Germany and Hitler became the Führer of he Third Reich, Hess fortune seemed linked forever to Hitler's. The Führer named Hess his heir-apparent. On May 10, 1941, however, a strange incident occurred. Following Haushofer's suggestion, Rudolf Hess astonished the world by flying alone from Germany to Scotland and parachuting near the state of the Duke of Hamilton to contact some British members of the Golden Dawn and deliver a peace proposition

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:49 pm

    The Thule Gesellschaft was founded in 1919 by Baron von Sebottendorf. Born in Saxony in 1875, he was the son of a Silesian locomotive conductor. His true name was Adam Rudolf Glauber. He adopted in 1911 the name Baron von Sebottendorf after the death of the later.

    Sebottendorf was a Freemason.

    Just before World War I he made several trips to the Near East. During the Balkan War of 1912-1913, he directed the Turkish Red Crescent and was named a Master of the Order of the RoseGarland (Rosenkranz). Expelled from Germany as an undesirable alien (he had been a Turkish citizen since 1911), he returned to Turkey in 1924. From 1929 to 1931 he roamed through Mexico and the United States.

    By 1919 he founded the Thule Society and elevated himself to the rank of Grand Master. He exerted considerable influence in high German circles.

    Inspired by Madame Blavatsky, he brought to life the age-old myth of Atlantis, calling it Thule. Occultists believe that that Thule, like Atlantis, was the center of a vanished civilization whose members had magic powers.

    It is believed that Sebottendorf drowned in 1945.

    ...iar altii sustin ca s-ar fi dus in way ticket

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:49 pm

    The Legacy of Rudolf Hess

    Mark Weber

    On the evening of May 10, 1941, the Deputy Führer of the Third Reich set out on a secret mission that was to be his last and most important. Under cover of darkness, Rudolf Hess took off in an unarmed Messerschmidt 110 fighter-bomber from an Augsburg airfield and headed across the North Sea toward Britain. His plan was to negotiate peace between Germany and Britain.

    Four hours later, after successfully evading British anti-aircraft fire and a pursuing Spitfire, Hess parachuted, for the first time in his life, and sprained his ankle landing in a Scottish farm field. An astonished farmer found the injured pilot and turned him over to the local Home Guard unit. [1]

    Winston Churchill promptly rejected Hess' peace offer and jailed him as a prisoner of war, even though he had arrived unarmed and of his own free will. Rudolf Hess, ambassador of peace, was to remain a prisoner until his death in August 1987 at the age of 93.

    For many, the passing of the one-time Deputy Führer and last surviving member of Hitler's inner circle simply marked the welcome end of a terrible era. But his true legacy is something far different. He spent 46 years -- half his life -- behind bars, a victim of a cruel victor's justice. More than any other man, Rudolf Hess symbolizes the vindictiveness and hypocrisy of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:50 pm

    Nothing better points up the essential injustice of the Nuremberg process than the court's treatment of Rudolf Hess.

    In fact, the Allied case against Hess was weak. The Führer had kept his deputy in the dark about his foreign policy and military decisions. It was clearly established at Nuremberg that Hess had not been present at any of the meetings at which Hitler discussed his military plans. [12] And, of course, he could not be held responsible for German actions that took place after his flight to Britain, including those carried out during the campaign against the Soviet Union.

    Nevertheless, the Tribunal declared Hess guilty of "crimes against peace" ("planning and preparation of aggressive war") and of "conspiracy" with other German leaders to commit the alleged crimes, but innocent of "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity."

    No reputable historian today believes the Nuremberg charge that Hess was guilty of "crimes against peace."

    The eminent British historian Professor A. J. P. Taylor summed up the injustice of the Hess case in a 1969 statement: [15]

    Hess came to this country in 1941 as an ambassador of peace. He came with the ... intention of restoring peace between Great Britain and Germany.

    He acted in good faith. He fell into our hands and was quite unjustly treated as a prisoner of war. After the war, we could have released him.

    No crime has ever been proven against Hess ... As far as the records show, he was never at even one of the secret discussions at which Hitler explained his war plans.

    He was of course a leading member of the Nazi Party. But he was no more guilty than any other Nazi or, if you wish, any other German. All the Nazis, all the Germans, were carrying on the war. But they were not all condemned because of this.

    That Rudolf Hess -- the only one at Nuremberg who had risked his life for peace -- was found guilty of "crimes against peace" was certainly the Tribunal's most ironic perversion of justice.

    Mesaje : 830
    Puncte : 943
    Data de inscriere : 13/02/2015
    Localizare : Bucuresti

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Sfatuitorul Mier Feb 18, 2015 3:50 pm

    ...numai un mason putea actiona asa. Dar sa lasam masoneria pentru alte discutii si sa revenim la cateva consideratii. Daca afirmatiile lui Hess, din perioada sa de confuzie mentala ar fi adevarate, atunci totul capata coerenta. Forte din alta lume au decis masacrul. Hess, o constinta curata, e angrenat in acest mecanism si cauta o solutie disperata de a impiedica rog derularile lui cele mai periculoase..

    Actiunea sa, se desfasoara in secret, rapid si direct...Fusese insa anticipata si deci ramane fara efect. Ceea ce trebuia sa se intample s-a intamplat..

    Dar de ce ??? Ca Hess e un om care nu se impaca cu deciziile luate de alte entitati e reconfirmat si prin actul de denuntare la care el recurge in ultima instanta cu toate riscurile..intre care acela de a fi declarat nebun. Mie imi pare plauzibil...mult mai plauzibil decat motivele subtiri pentru care au murit 100 de milioane de oamnei in cele doua conflagratii...So who is Rudolf Hess ???

    Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ??? Empty Re: Rudolf Hess, predictiile unui nebun ???

    Mesaj Scris de Vizitator Vin Apr 24, 2015 5:01 pm

    Am citit si eu un articol dedicat, in  care nu se spune nimic despre o tulburare psihica . Incerc sa pun link-ul . Nu merge. Surprised Mai numar odata ! Smile

    Revista "Magazin" -"Saradele lui Hess" 17 aug. 2011 -Gabriel Tudor

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